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Buying a house for my mum

I always said that if I ended up being rich, I'd buy a house for my mum. She's always rented and been at the mercy of the whims of landlords and real estate agents who ask her to leave at any time. I've made some smart investments over the last 10 years, and I am ready to be able to buy her a nice modest house so that she can live in her own home. This blog is all about the search for a house for my mum and has a lot of tips on buying real estate for family members.

Buying a house for my mum

Securing your office or business against break ins

by Joseph Jennings

Protecting your office, store or business from burglary and vandalism is about more than just locking the door or rolling down the shutters when you leave for the night. A truly effective security system combines a number of measures designed to make it more difficult for would-be intruders to get inside. While some of these take the form of physical additions, such as reinforced locks, CCTV networks, and security safes or cabinets, others revolve around changing workplace procedures and attitudes. If you're concerned about the overall security of your property, consider the following. 

Update or reinforce your security assets

This step is as obvious as it is vital. The most secure businesses are those that invest in up-to-date physical security assets. Assess your property with the help of a professional contractor or by looking for potential weak spots on your own. Every business should at least have reinforced doors and locks, security screens or shutters on their windows, and security safes with an adequate locking system to store valuables inside the building. Enlisting the help of a professional locksmith to determine the quality and effectiveness of the locks on both your doors and safes is a wise move. Adding a recording CCTV system that covers all possible entrances is also worthwhile since these have been known to both deter criminals and increase the likelihood of intruders being caught after the crime has been committed. 

Stress the importance of locking up

Locking up after leaving is an incredibly important aspect of office and storefront security. While this should be habitual for whoever leaves the building last, it's also essential to be vigilant when it comes to the handing out of keys and locks. The owner and managers should be the only ones with access to master keys and these, just like any other keys, should always be kept track of. If a master key goes missing, the best thing you can do is go to a locksmith and replace all keys with new ones as soon as possible. This will ensure that if any nefarious individuals find the master key, they won't be able to use it. Alternatively, consider replacing your regular locks with electronic locks that require a PIN or password to bypass. With these, you should still change the PIN or password every so often.

By applying these varying strategies at the same time, you not only make it more difficult for anyone to break in, but also reduce your likelihood of being targeted. The presence of CCTV cameras or complicated locking mechanisms often dissuade burglars that are not willing to put in the effort of getting inside.
